Carnival Games - Questions

lundi 4 mai 2015

My [TL 5] PCs are currently at a local festival/carnival, complete with all of the sideshow-style games and tests of skill that such an event entails.

Some of the carnival games I'm feeling okay on: Toss a beanbag through a hole in a board? Great, the hole is SM-4 (or whatever, don't have my SSR table handy) and is 10 feet away, so that's easy to adjudicate.

A couple of the games I'm less sure about, so wanted to see what other folks had for ideas:

Feat of ST / Ring the Bell

Your basic "Hit a pad with a heavy mallet, try to ring the bell at the top of the attached shaft" game. Except I'm not sure just how to handle this. Straight roll against ST-X (where X is some difficulty modifier, e.g. beat ST-4 to ring the bell)? All-Out Telegraphic Attack with a Maul, need a certain "damage" roll (let's just say 15 cr) to ring the bell?

Lizard Racin'

You and three other people pick a lizard, and then the four lizards race along a short track. Whoever picks the winning lizard collects winnings. Should this be anything more than luck ("You have a 25% chance to win, period")? Should a Gambling roll have any relevance or impact? What if a character wanted to try to pick the lizard that "looked like a winner"?

My current thought is that a character can use... "something" (don't know what yet), possibly including a wildcard skill like Hunter!, to pick the "best" lizard, and then all four lizards roll (with the "best" lizard getting some sort of bonus), and whichever lizard is the first to win three rolls wins the race. Maybe a Per-based Gambling roll would afford a similar bonus?

Arm Wrestlin'

Local buff guy is taking on all comers. Regular Contest against ST? First-to-win-three-rolls? Should high Wrestling skill grant a ST bonus? Any other ideas?
Carnival Games - Questions

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