Moving another campaign to GURPS from Pathfinder

vendredi 1 mai 2015

Hi all! I'm back again with yet another request for assistance from the GURPS Collective.

Specifically, I'm looking for assistance with the the Dark Elf (Drow) racial features of Dancing Lights, Darkness, and Faerie-Fire.

Dancing Lights seems to be either Create [Light], Create/Control [Light], or possibly some form of Illusion (Visual Only)? Do Illusionary Lights actually provide illumination?

Darkness was the easy one -

Darkness - [Obscure (Vision) 1 - Area Effect (16 yd), +150%; Extended Duration (x10), +40%; Ranged, +50%; Limited Use (1/day)]

That's almost exactly the same -
  • Causes the light level in the area to drop levels instead of just to straight darkness..
  • Lasts 100 seconds instead of 60 seconds.
  • Has a Radius of 24' instead of 20'.
  • Can be used range or dropped on self.

Now we come to Faire-Fire, the one that's a PITA. Maybe some sort of Malediction (Disadvantage:Incompetence (Stealth)) or something?

I guess we could slap some sort of Magical Knack and use the default spell system as perks.... but we're using RPM and then I'd have to spec out the abilities anyway if I wanted to use them more than once a day - or if another player wanted to be able to so the same thing.

Anyways.... Thanks.


The GURPS Collective [GC] thing just gave my head-canon UFP the heebie-jeebies... The Borg were bad enough... but GURPSified Borg? O.O
Moving another campaign to GURPS from Pathfinder

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