Need some help - Heist game in 70s Detroit

jeudi 21 mai 2015

I've just started a heist game for the Friday Night Gaming Group. We're using CoC, since they're most familiar with it. It's set in August '72, in Detroit proper. The players are all ex-cons. Their parole officer has contacted them about a state program to commute their sentences in return for services to the state of Michigan.

First mission was retrieve some cars from an impound lot, and deliver them to the Sheriff's Department. I've already established that the impound lot and the deputy involved in the first mission were expecting someone else. But a quick call to their PO straightened that out.

The PO is crooked, and they'll be setup for a crime they didn't commit. They'll have to prove a heist to either get the goods back or prove their innocence.

I've gone over the heist tropes and structure. I'm pretty certain the guy they're replacing is going to end up dead as a clue. I can't come up with an idea for framing them. Nothing is really clicking.

So, I'm looking for some help. Idea, scenario, NPC writeup. Anything would be appreciated.
Need some help - Heist game in 70s Detroit

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