Spaceships for modern TL7/8 aquadic naval veseel

mercredi 6 mai 2015

Looking at the rules given in Pyramid 3/34 in terms of adapting them to create modern naval vessels I see two fundamental problems. While fine for the basic issues of adapting things like habitats and general layout, there are two fundamental problems: Missiles/guns and radar.

The fundamental problem is that the missiles and guns listed are obviously intended for space combat and adapting them to fit a modern context won't really work. I supposed I could make up my own stats for modern missiles, but that would be outside the system shown.

Using the example listed in 3/34, it shows 28 cm missiles carried by a warship with dDR 7 and dHP 150. Those would do on average ~140 points of (d)damage each shot(6dx7). While that is somewhat realistic, given that the USS Stark and HMS Sheffield nearly died and actually died to a single missile hit each, for a larger cruiser it seems off.

The second fundamental problem is radar. Radar sets in Spaceships(for tactical arrays) have a range of between 200,000 and 600,000 miles when adapted for a realistically sized warship. That is obviously absurd. In this case I suppose I would have to simply make up my own system, likely based on that of 3e Vehicles. Though of course using radar on Earth, the fundamental limitation is that of the radar horizon, one of the largest reasons that aircraft carriers are the key to modern naval warfare.

Also as a more general question about Spaceships, are there equipment modifiers for lower quality systems?
Spaceships for modern TL7/8 aquadic naval veseel

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