Help Writing Up Statistics for a set of Alternate Abilities

samedi 21 février 2015

I'm trying to find instances of how others have written up alternate abilities and am not finding anything like that. The abilities in question can be seen here on a Google site I was setting up for the game (I am in the process of moving them offline for now to a One Note notebook and will at some point re-setup the web site).

The details of the build were discussed on the forums in this thread and the player of I'Nel (the character with these powers) has chosen to have them require a CP to use them. I believe that while unconventional they are correctly built. This thread is a request for help in the "best" or "most efficient" way to write it up the way it would be for a character write-up as you might find in a book like the Personnel Files books.

Help Writing Up Statistics for a set of Alternate Abilities

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