Question about ruling

samedi 21 février 2015


Last night me and my friends were playing Munchkin(Basic).

Now suddenly we questioning if you can chain on a curse.

The setup was like this!

I had boots equipped, (only boots) and a friend casts the curse "Lose 1 small item".

Is it possible for me to chain on that and Un-equip that item?(to my bag?)

Also is it possible to equip items while it's not your turn?

Let us say the following.

My friend opens a door and he needs to battle a level 6 monster, he is level 2.

Can he ask players who haven't had a turn yet to help him?(Yes)

But are they able to equip items?

We rulled it that if you aren't able to un-equip items during another player's turn you also can't equip items during another players turn.

Our friend became salty and rage quitted the game (Yes on turn 1)

So what are the real rullings about this?

PS: Sorry for my English, it isn't my mother language!

Question about ruling

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