[F] Vampire Mage spells are skills or techniques?

lundi 4 mai 2015

Hi folks! I come to you for help to understand how Blood Magic from Vampire Mage template works, what i'm failing to understand. Actually, just this part in particular:

"Their spells (...) require study, or spell research based on Ritual Magic (Vampiric Blood Magic). Each spell is a separate skill." (Fantasy, p. 168)

This means that Vampire Mage spells are purchased in the normal way but it's skill level is based on Ritual Magic skill instead IQ? Because if is it, i find very awkward an skill to be based on another (when techniques that should be based on skills), rather than being based on attribute, Per or Will. And if Vampire Mage spells are techniques based on Ritual Magic, why then the book says "Each spell is a separate skill", also not talking about its difficulty level and default reducer?

I know Ritual Magic as an alternative magic system (Basic, p. 242), but it hasn't anything to do with it, right?

I came straight from the large brazilian group of GURPS discussion because no one there knew for sure how to solve this problem. That's why you must forgive my english. Thank you all in advance.
[F] Vampire Mage spells are skills or techniques?

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