Ridiculously Ancient, Enduring Cultures

lundi 4 mai 2015

Hi all,

So I was doing a bit of musing about some fantasy races, specifically so-called 'elder' races, like Elves in some literature, or Dwarves in others. Races that have supposedly been around for lord-knows how long.

It got me to thinking, what are the implications of a culture existing for that long? To flesh out the question in more detail, what would be the implications for a culture or race that thinks in terms of time-scales that are within an order of magnitude of those humans think in, enduring for billions of years?

There are obviously multiple facets to this question, like what kind of culture could survive that long, and what might it do to that culture? Might such a culture have reached a scientific standstill, and how would that effect them? Feel free to comment on anything that springs to mind.

I'd also love to hear of any kind of media that has dealt with this question in detail, I'm sure it must exist, but I can't really find much (well, any more than I've already read anyway).
Ridiculously Ancient, Enduring Cultures

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