New Campaign: Victorian Horror UII

vendredi 1 mai 2015

I get to run the next campaign for my d20 obsessed gaming group. They trust me though as I ran an IW campaign a few years ago that was quite awesome. So this time, I'm trying my hand at some Victorian Horror.

The house on the hill had been standing for over a hundred years. Some say, closer to two hundred. You're working in the front office of Unlimited Investigations Incorporated when the new owner of that House on the Hill tentatively enters the office. You greet him warmly, and you know he has something on his mind as he asks to see the proprietor. Marcus Fink, PSI, DPS (Psychic Supernatural Investigator, Doctor of Paranormal Studies) is in the other office. You pick up the speaking tube, and announce your visitor. Marcus steps out, showman to the nines, resplendent in his red silk lined cape and immaculately coiffured hair. He bows to the visitor as the nervous man goes into his story. He's afraid, you see, of the myths surrounding the house on the hill. That the house is haunted by the souls that died there over the years, about its secret black past. Marcus has you get the man a cup of tea as he ushers him into the other office. Won't he just tell him all about it, and of course it won't cost a fortune, its really very reasonable you know my old bean.

An hour later, cash advance in hand, Marcus has you go round and get three of your mates, ones that can be trusted to keep a secret, you have a job to do. In fact, get those two that've done this before, and see if they know anyone else that might be good for fighting the forces of evil. It is after all, a growth industry, and this job, might just keep UII in business for another couple of months!

Sounds pretty straightforward right? Except, its all a sham. Marcus is a fraud, a huckster, a certified, grade A, snake oil salesman. The times call for supernatural boojums, and Marcus Fisk found his niche. Its not a luxurious life, but it gets him by. He lives in a part of London that isn't constantly on fire, pays the constable a bob or two to look the other way, and keeps a few of the local boys employed. They're all pretty good at this, acting and making believe spooks and spectres are as real as the day is long. How easy it is to bilk a credulous fool out of his Pounds Sterling.

That's where you come in. You've worked with Marcus before, and you made it look good the last time. Or you're the new guy that is being trusted to be let in on the secret. The spooks and spectres are you. Stage paint and a little radium glow. That's all it takes to get a grown toff to run screaming for the hills while Marcus and crew Vanquish the ghost.

It ain't a bad life really. As long as you can play the part.

UII is a Victorian Horror game, set in 1860's London. Characters should be built in GURPS 4e on 75 points, with no more than 30 points in disadvantages and 5 points of quirks. There will be opportunity for advancement in character point terms in the first few adventures. Remember, you're just normal blokes working for a charlatan. Think of why you're working for this guy instead of making a more honest living. I'm going to 4e from 3e because the ruleset is a bit more streamlined and makes far more sense in some places. Some cinematic rules will be used for the campaign, but it will be fairly "hard". Combat should be quick, and at times deadly so thinking is better than punching. Or shooting.

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New Campaign: Victorian Horror UII

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